Friday, July 3, 2020

Why Summer Is the Perfect Time for Your Job Search - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

Why Summer Is the Perfect Time for Your Job Search - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. The “summer slump”, the “dog days of summer”, the “lazy summer days” however you put it, the summer is upon us at least here in New York’s Capital Region. It’s time to get outside and enjoy the sun. It’s also the perfect time to put some quality work into your job search. We’ll tell you why. Summer is slower for a lot of the business world hence the term “summer slump”. The summer months often cause distractions in a company’s hiring process as people take vacations (hiring staff included) and personal time, and the work schedules of many changes for these few months (which can mean slower response rates for applicants and more availability to interview prospective candidates). This leads many people to believe that they can cast aside their search for the summer. However, some businesses have their busiest season during the summer and need to hire on additional workers early in the season, or try to take advantage of the slower pace in the office to focus on recruitment (the process may take longer, but if there is less competition you may be more likely to be chosen). Do not take the concept of the “summer slump” to be a catch-all which includes the job search for a few months. Understand that the need for top talent is there and the effort put in on the part of the job seeker can become an advantage to them down the road. Hiring is a year-round activity which will always have its highs and lows but it is hard to say where those periods are seasonal unless we look specifically into the industry. Typically, the summer and the Holiday Seasons are two lower periods, but that does not mean job seekers should abandon their search during those times of the year. In fact, they should be doubling their efforts at those times while there is less traffic. Research and network as much as possible throughout these potentially slow periods so that you not only have an advantage but if hiring is paused for certain industries, you’re prepared when the time comes. The networking opportunities you have in the summer are seemingly never-ending. Happy hours large outdoor events, golfing, fundraisers, etc. Basically, it is a natural time of year to get together with others, so use it to benefit your search if you’re looking. Make an effort to attend community events and network with people that you do not already know. You never know when a casual conversation may lead to a new job. The summer affects many of us in a positive way, as a result of the nice weather and longer periods of daylight use this a driving force as a job seeker and take advantage of this positive energy. Use this time as an opportunity to get a few steps ahead of the competition and land that job you have been waiting for.

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